CDL Psychological Services

CDL Psychological Services is a mental health clinic that offers therapy, mental health interventions, and psychological testing and assessments, in an outpatient setting. CDL is committed to be a good neighbor and active community member, thus their staff offers educational opportunities and workshops, often free of charge.
Outpatient therapy and psychological treatment for children, adolescents, and their families. CDL works with a wide range of clients from all walks of life. Their board certified mental health practitioners utilize multimodal interventions designed to meet a client where they are at and impart momentum in the healing process. The term therapy is derived from the Greek: θεραπεία and literally means "curing" or "healing"
CDL clinicians provide training for a variety of professionals. They have presented workshops on Adolescent Depression, Video Games and Grades, Helping friends with Panic, depression [prevention, diagnosis, and treatment] and Parenting Groups.
Psychological testing utilizes objective and standardized measures of common human moods, thoughts, and behaviors to address the questions of psychological distress. These measurements contribute to a better differential diagnoses. CDL offers a wide range of psychological assessments with specialties in the child and adolescent populations.
CDL staff are frequent presenters in both the academic and community settings. They have experience as guest lecturers in classrooms, offices, and community gatherings. They are willing to speak on a variety of topics. Dr. Anderson often lectures in large high schools in the west metro on topics like common anxiety problems experienced by teens, depression/moos disorders, practical solutions to life stress, suicide prevention, and relationship issues.
Some of the Testing Offered at CDL
Academic Achievement
Cognitive Functioning
Diagnostic Clarification
Depression/Mood Disorders